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We create a framework for the future

About MT Højgaard Holding

Long-term value creation

Active ownership

Initiative and innovation as a driving force

High professionalism and focus on collaboration

Since our founding in 1918, we have created value for customers, investors and society at large. Our core mission is to find solutions to complex challenges and translate visions into concrete action in a changing world.

As the owner of a number of independent business units, we work in a long-term, ethical and sustainable way.

In a daily life full of projects that come and go, MT Højgaard Holding is the unifying force that sets the long-term direction and supports value creation, collaboration and knowledge sharing across the Group.

Originating in the construction industry, we are driven by initiative, innovation and execution power. We thrive on seeing opportunities combined with high professionalism and a focus on collaboration.

The Group in numbers


Years of history


Strong business units

300 +

Active projects, large and small, all over Denmark

Group projects

You’ll find us on construction sites all over the country. Every year, we develop, plan and execute hundreds of projects within new construction, renovation, civil engineering, infrastructure and building services. From large, prestigious headquarters buildings in the heart of Copenhagen to infrastructure projects that connect the country or support the green transition. And we’re there when existing buildings are renovated or transformed for completely new purposes.

Take a look here and get a flavour of where we have or have had a hand in the game over the years.

Dalum Paper Mill

A new residential area that once housed Dalum Papirfabrik. The homes vary in size and style, from New Yorker-inspired apartments to family-friendly townhouses and senior-friendly homes.

Rønne harbour

Bornholm's supply harbour and one of Denmark's largest cruise ports has been expanded in the southwestern harbour basin. With a 450-metre extension of the outer pier and 300 metres of new heavy-duty quay, the project is one of the largest recent hydraulic engineering projects in Denmark.


Construction of 35 exclusive apartment blocks in five 3.5-storey townhouses at Kildegården, located between the former barracks and Kunstens Hus in Roskilde.


An extensive renovation and remodelling of the historic hospital buildings at the former refugee camp in Oksbøl to create FLUGT - Refugee Museum of Denmark.


Construction of 251 apartments and a number of activity centres on Aarhus Ø, centrally located in the vibrant waterfront environment. The construction has focused on giving future residents the opportunity to put their own stamp on their homes.


Turnkey contract for 57,000 square metres of domicile construction for AP Pension and Nykredit in Copenhagen's Nordhavn.


Renovation of 86 subsidised youth housing units with building components manufactured at Enemærke & Petersen's construction factory. In 2017, the transformation of the neighbourhood won the RENOVER Award's Anniversary Prize and the title of Denmark's best social housing renovation project.

Nordhavn Tunnel

With the Nordhavn Tunnel, we connect the city. The 1,400 metre-long tunnel connects Østerbro and Nordhavn and prepares Nordhavn for further development.

Business archive Aarhus

Remodelling and restoration of the former Business Archive, which was originally built in 1898-1902. The building is called "The Jewellery Box", as the decoration in the building is very special, and the interior of the building has been called a National Romantic treasure trove.


A preferred business partner, a leading player in the green transition and an attractive workplace are focus areas in the Group’s strategy that sets the path for long-term, profitable growth.

Learn more about the Group strategy ‘Building on”.

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Our history

For more than 100 years, the Group has left its mark on society, shaping the way people live, work, travel, play and learn.

Get an insight into the group’s history.

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Organisation and management

At MT Højgaard Holding, we exercise active ownership of the Group’s business units. We are a strong team of approximately 50 employees who act as strategic sparring partners and provide specialised advice in areas such as finance, sustainability, IT and law.

Meet the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.

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