Sustainability governance

Governance structure
Our sustainability governance structure ensures accountability and transparency in decisions and actions.
Sustainability management
From the board to the individual construction sites, the organisation is involved in sustainability efforts and helps ensure progress through hundreds of projects and a number of working groups.
The Board of Directors decides the sustainability strategy and follows up on objectives and results. The board has established a sustainability committee that acts as an advisor and sparring partner.
The Executive Board approves sustainability goals and initiatives and monitors their implementation.
The Group Sustainability and ESG Finance develops the strategy, runs group sustainability projects, evaluates and documents results continuously and in the annual sustainability report. Implementation of both Group and company-specific initiatives and goals is handled by the business units.
The management of each business unit participates in a Sustainability Board that ensures that goals are met and initiatives are implemented.
A special Steering Group with representatives from all business units prepares the implementation of CSRD.
A cross-functional Professional Sustainability Network ensures sharing of tools and learning between the business units.
Three legislative focus areas
The MT Højgaard Holding Group must fulfil new EU legislation on sustainability.

We have conducted a thorough double materiality analysis with the involvement of internal and external stakeholders and have identified the areas where the group has the greatest positive and negative impacts, opportunities and risks.
The analysis guides our strategic priorities and associated objectives, as well as the actions taken to achieve the objectives.
The Group's reporting for 2024 must fulfil the CSRD requirements and in this context, the Sustainability Report is for the first time included as an integrated part of the Group's Annual Report.
From 2024, the entire Group's sustainability reporting is subject to audit.

EU taxonomy
We screen all the Group's projects to determine whether they can be classified according to the taxonomy criteria. Selected projects are screened for compliance.
In 2023, 88% of the group's revenue qualified for screening and 1.5% of revenue was compliant with the EU taxonomy.
We are actively working to implement measures to help more projects comply with the EU taxonomy requirements in the coming years. In this connection, we are dependent on the developers' interest and ambition in this area and therefore enter into dialogue about this on the individual projects.

Sustainability due diligence and minimum social guarantees
In addition, we are working to strengthen our human rights and environmental due diligence processes. These are based on structured risk analyses conducted in close collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.
We continuously work to ensure that our governance structure and processes support responsible behaviour both internally in our own business units and in the value chain.
Group sustainability policies
The group has a number of sustainability policies. Find the latest ones here.
Our partnerships
In the Group, we work with clients, consultants, subcontractors and material manufacturers to develop, construct and service projects within civil engineering, infrastructure, new construction and renovation. Partnerships in the value chain with other ambitious players are a key focus area for the Group, not least as part of the green transition.
The future of the planet has become a key driving force, helping to shape new collaboration models and partnerships throughout the value chain to a greater extent than before.
A selection of our current partnerships: